Childbirth allowance will increase. The budget for 2023 was approved in the second reading

With a total income of around 38.7 billion lei, up by 7.5 billion lei or 24.1 percent more than this year, the draft law on the state social insurance budget for 2023 (BASS) has received today, December 22, the vote in the second reading from the deputies.

According to the document, the same amount is forecast for expenses as for revenues – 38.7 billion lei.

The forecast of the revenues and expenses of the state social insurance budget for the year 2023 was carried out based on the analysis of the dynamics of the contingent of benefit beneficiaries, trends and performances recorded in previous years and based on the forecast of macroeconomic indices.


The project provides for measures, the implementation of which began in the current year and which will continue in the next year:

  • granting, from October 1, 2022, the monthly allowance for child care up to the age of 2 (insured and uninsured persons) in the amount of 1000 lei;
  • the increase, from October 1, 2022, of the amount of the monthly support allowance for raising up to the age of 3 for twins or more children born from a single pregnancy from 370 lei to 500 lei;
  • granting the right to a new option for insured persons who are on child care leave until they reach the age of 3: to receive a monthly child care allowance for a period of 12 months in the amount of 90% of the calculation base;
  • the increase, starting from January 1, 2023, of the amount of the single allowance at the birth of the child from 10,068 lei to 10,932 lei or by 864 lei, which was estimated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, according to the legislation in force, based on the value monetary value of the minimum basket of goods needed at the birth of the child.

The largest share of the BASS expenses goes to ensuring the right to old-age pension: over 19.7 billion lei, 34.5% more than the amount approved for this year. The share of state social insurance budget expenditures in GDP, estimated for next year, will be 12.5%.

The legislative initiative is to be voted on in the second reading, according to the law, 10 days after approval in the first reading.

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