Day X is approaching! Maia Sandu signed the Decree on the initiation of accession negotiations of The Republic of Moldova to the EU

President Maia Sandu signed on Friday, June 21, 2024, the Decree on initiating negotiations for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. Cristina Gherasimov, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, was named the main negotiator for the Republic of Moldova, as revealed by the head of state on social media during the National Commission for European Integration meeting.

“The Republic of Moldova has fulfilled all the recommendations of the European Commission. The first Intergovernmental Conference on Moldova-EU will be on June 25, after two years of obtaining the status of the candidate country and initiating accession negotiations.

Thousands of people from state institutions form the backbone of the country’s modernization efforts, and their work significantly impacts our goal of preparing the Republic of Moldova for accession by 2030. I thank the Government for their efforts and wish success to our delegation representing the Republic of Moldova in Luxembourg at the official launch of the accession negotiations with the European Union,” writes Maia Sandu.


The head of state stressed the importance of fostering peace, well-being, and a better life for all Moldovans while being a member of the European Union.

“The autumn referendum will determine whether this is the path of development for Moldova and the legacy we want to leave for the next generation. I thank the Government for the work done and wish success to our delegation that will represent the Republic of Moldova in Luxembourg at the official launch of the accession negotiations with the European Union,” pointed out the president.

The Moldovan authorities are anticipating the official launch of negotiations on the accession of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to the European Union after the Intergovernmental Conference Moldova-EU. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 25.

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