Donation from the Romanian Ministry of Defense. What did Tilvar bring to Chisinau?

During the reception ceremony, Minister Anatolie Nosatîi mentioned that “Romania has been, is, and will remain one of the staunchest supporters of our country.” The official from Chișinău reiterated that Bucharest has reaffirmed its commitment to intensifying cooperation in the realm of security and defense.

The agenda of discussions between Nosatîi and Tîlvăr covered aspects related to bilateral cooperation in the defense field, the assistance provided by the Government of Romania in the context of modernizing the National Army, the regional security situation, as well as other topics of common interest.

They discussed the Ministry of Defense’s intention to access full membership in the Political-Military Dialogue Platform – Southeast Europe Defense Ministerial (SEDM) Regional Initiative, considering that Romania took over the rotating presidency of the SEDM Political-Military Coordination Committee as of July 1, 2023.

“The strategic partnership for European integration between the Republic of Moldova and Romania is deeply felt in Chișinău, as well as within international organizations, where Romania, including through you, Minister Angel Tîlvăr, supports the Republic of Moldova and the National Army through strong messages and actions,” Minister Nosatîi said during the meeting.

Officials also discussed effective collaboration within the annual meetings of the Moldovan-Romanian Joint Committee at the defense institution level, the state of cooperation in the field of strategic communication, countering fake news, strengthening cyber defense and training, as well as enhancing resilience to current security challenges.


The parties also referred to the importance of expertise offered by specialists from the subdivisions of the Romanian Ministry of National Defense to their counterparts in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova in developing strategic documents necessary for the efficient functioning of the national defense and security system, as conveyed by the Ministry of Defense.

In turn, the Minister of National Defense of Romania, Angel Tîlvăr, reiterated the readiness to continue supporting the objective of modernizing the National Army of Moldova through joint programs and projects, implemented in the context of partnership consolidation.

“We are ready to provide specialized assistance and support to the National Army of the Republic of Moldova in various areas. The recent donation of ballistic individual protective equipment and off-road vehicles represents a concrete example of our concerns to contribute to providing the necessary resources for the equipment of the soldiers of the National Army. These donations are part of Romania’s continuous effort, through the Ministry of National Defense, to support the Republic of Moldova in the field of modernizing the army with modern equipment,” Minister Angel Tîlvăr stated.

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