On Sunday, 3rd of April, 10 schools were awarded for participating in a project meant to teach children how to better manage waste and practice recycling.
“The Eco School” is a project meant to promote ecological and civic education, through which the organizers wanted to create an integrated system for the management of the waste in 10 schools from Moldova. Also, the aim was to create the relevant infrastructure needed for collective recycling and sustainable management of the waste, according to the existing legal frame.

The organizers suggested that this project is of crucial importance for the future of our country, since it incudes 3 essential elements, namely the yout, which represent the present and the future of the country, protection of the environment, which imoacts the quality of our lives, as well as sustainable economical development.
The following subjects were tackled:
• Climate change/ circular education
• Efficient management of the waste/ selective collection
• Planting and taking care of the trees
• Nature and biodiversity
• Protection of the waters
• Sustainable energy
• Health and healthy lifestyle

- During the project, the students had to complete 7 tasks:
- The formation of the “ECO patrol” group
• Creation of the ECO Code
• Analysis of the environment and the action plan
• Teaching ecological education classes
• Informing and implication the community – planting and cleaning events
• Selective collection of the waste
• Participating in the “Art of the Earth” competition
The participant schools were:
• “Zaicana” Gymnasium, Zaicana, Criuleni;
• „Mihail Stratulat” Lyceum, Boșcana, Criuleni;
• „Coșernița” Gymnasium, Coșernița, Criuleni;
• „Onițcani” Gymnasium, Onițcani, Criuleni;
• “Slobozia-Dușca” Gymnasium, Slobozia-Dușca, Criuleni;
• „Boris Dînga” Lyceum, Criuleni;
• „Mihai Eminescu” Gymnasium, Jevreni.
• „Alexandru cel Bun” Lyceum, Sîngera;
• Gymnasium nr. 67, Revaca, Sîngera;
• Gymnasium nr. 68 Dobrogea, Sîngera.
The three schools that obtained maximum amount of points were: „Mihail Stratulat” Lyceum, „Alexandru cel Bun” Lyceum and “Slobozia-Dușca” Gymnasium. They were awarded the “Eco School” trophy, made from recycled plastic.

During this project, 12 tones of recyclable and non-recyclable waste were collected, a few thousand trees were planted, 16 cleaning actions were organized. The recylcable waste was collected by an authorized operator in order to value it trough recycling.
#haimoldova #școalaeco #milliontreesmoldova
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