Elevating Women in Business: UN Women and Yep!Moldova’s Empowering Initiative and Accelerator Program

UN Women and Yep!Moldova have launched the ‘Ellevator. Level up Women Accelerator’ program, which is aimed at women-led businesses that have participated in previous pre-acceleration programs. The program’s objective is to elevate women-led businesses from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to a new level of development, including expansion into international markets.

The post-acceleration program will include businesses with goals of improving their products/services, implementing innovations, enhancing business processes, accessing new markets, and identifying new clients. Additionally, the project will focus on developing digital skills and utilizing new technologies to enhance business competitiveness.

The program spans three months and includes:

  • Entrepreneurial education bootcamps
  • Mentorship sessions
  • Assessment of business development needs

As a result, at least ten businesses will benefit from vouchers for equipment procurement and/or development services, worth up to 60,000 lei. The project aims to cover all regions of the Republic of Moldova to create equal opportunities for women across the country to access education and financing.

This initiative follows the analysis of statistics for the year 2022, which indicate that out of the total entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova, 66.1% are men and only 33.9% are women. Among them, male owners constitute 64.8%, male co-owners 74.4%, male managers 62.9%, while female owners make up 35.2%, female co-owners 25.6%, and female managers 37.1%.

“The situation has been further exacerbated by the war caused by Russia in the neighboring country. As a result, women in Moldova and Ukraine who aim to enhance their business skills will benefit from courses, mentorship, and support in business management and promotion,” stated the organizers.

Registrations are open until September 8th.

You can complete the form here.


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