Enhancing Emergency Medical Response with New Helipad Platforms in Moldova

In the Republic of Moldova, four helipad platforms have been inaugurated in the municipalities of Chișinău, Bălți, and Cahul. These platforms were constructed as part of the Cross-Border Project between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, titled “Improvement of the Infrastructure for the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD).”

The project is funded by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI), under the Common Operational Program Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, providing support for joint activities during emergency situations.

The total value of the project was approximately 10,026,409 euros, with non-repayable funding of 6,428,000.00 euros provided through the European Neighborhood Instrument.

The four helicopter landing and take-off platforms were built by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Moldova as part of the SMURD-2 project, located in close proximity to territorial hospitals. This expansion increases the operational capacity to provide medical care to patients in need.


These platforms are situated in the city of Chișinău at 29 Nicolae Testemițeanu Street, near the Republican Clinical Hospital “Timofei Moșneaga”; in Chișinău at 21 Poamei Street, near the Public Medical and Sanitary Institution “Institute of Mother and Child”; in the city of Bălți, Corlăteni village, Rîșcani district, near the Municipal Hospital in Bălți; and in the city of Cahul, near the Municipal Hospital in Cahul.

According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, these aerial interventions will reduce response times and increase availability by covering an extended operating area. The helicopter landing and take-off platforms will contribute to improved aviation safety by providing suitable conditions for 24/7 helicopter operations. Furthermore, they will extend the availability of helicopters as they offer 24/7 access (in contrast to airports that may be temporarily closed).

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