ESDP Leaders Meet Romanian Ambassador to Discuss Moldova’s European Path

The leadership of the European Social Democratic Party (ESDP), led by President Ion Sula, had a meeting today with the Ambassador of Romania to Chisinau, Cristian-Leon Țurcanu. The topics of discussion focused on the socio-political situation in the Republic of Moldova, the results of the general local elections, and post-election developments.

The leader of the social democrats mentioned that the ESDP, which ranked third in the general local elections in November, will continue to make every effort to ensure the country’s European path and prevent its deviation.

“We have in our team professionals and experienced individuals who can contribute with concrete solutions to the advancement of the country on its European path and the well-being of the citizens,” stated Ion Sula.

In this context, the president of the ESDP referred to discussions held with political forces regarding the consolidation of a European social-democratic pole in the Republic of Moldova.

The president of the ESDP expressed gratitude to Romania for its constant support to our republic, including in achieving its European aspirations.

The parties agreed to continue the bilateral dialogue for the benefit of citizens on both sides of the Prut River.


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