EP Crețu’s Visit Underscores R. Moldova’s Significance for the EU and Romania

Corina Crețu, a member of the European Parliament and former European Commissioner for Regional Policy, will be visiting Chișinău this week, where she has several meetings scheduled regarding the European path of the Republic of Moldova.

During her visit, the MEP will hold discussions with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Parliament President Igor Grosu, and the President of the Congress of Local Authorities, Tatiana Badan. She will also meet with Janis Mazeiks, the head of the European Union Representation in the Republic of Moldova, and Cristian Leon Țurcanu, the Ambassador of Romania to Chișinău.

“Republic of Moldova is an important country for both the European Union and Romania, contributing to maintaining stability in the region and being an important support for Ukraine, a country facing a cruel and unjust aggression war.

As a Member of the European Parliament and former European Commissioner for Regional Policy (2014-2019), I am pleased to have contributed to bringing the Republic of Moldova closer to the European Union, and I will continue to do everything in my power to help the Republic of Moldova become part of the European Union,” Corina Crețu mentioned in her Facebook post.

Furthermore, she emphasized that as a country with European aspirations and considering its historical journey, the Republic of Moldova “is in the hearts of all Romanians.”

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