
Europe’s first e-park

Did you know that Europe’s first e-park is located in Moldova? The Moldova IT park describes itself as the main focal point of access to best services and incentives in the IT sector, which has proven its uniqueness by being a virtual structure which operates in a multistakeholder governance model.

Founded in 2018, it now creates opportunities for more than 600 companies in the IT field. The main goal of the park is to attract investments through promoting flexible government policy and increase regional competitiveness of Moldova, by introducing a single tax of 7% of sales revenue, as well as numerous opportunities for expats and international IT companies that want to invest in Moldova’s IT sector.

By comparison, the average sales tax in the European Union constitutes 21.5%, with no general exception for the IT sector, which makes Moldova even more attractive for investments. This can explain the major success that the park registered in the last 3 years.

Since its foundation, the IT park managed to create dozens of jobs and opportunities for young people. In 2020, the number of employees associated with the park exceeded 10 500, with an average wage of 29 025 lei, now around 1400 eur.

The resident companies are founded in Moldova, as well as 34 other countries. Consequently the top five countries from which the capital is coming are the United States (22 companies), Romania (15 companies), Italy (13 companies), the United Kingdom (12 companies) and Germany (9 companies).

You can read more about the IT park and the possibility of becoming a resident here

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