Gasoline and diesel will become more expensive tomorrow. The new prices displayed by ANRE for Thursday

The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) has displayed the prices of fuels: petrol and diesel for Thursday, May 26. So, the price of gasoline will increase by 16 bani, and that of diesel will increase by 5 bani.

ANRE announces that on Thursday a liter of gasoline will cost 30,76 lei, and a liter of diesel 27,15 lei.

It should be noted that, as of September 1, 2021, the amendments to the law on petroleum products came into force, and ANRE sets the ceiling prices for 95 octane gasoline and diesel.

The maximum retail prices of the main petroleum products of the standard type are established by the National Agency for Energy Regulation based on the Methodology for calculating and applying the prices of petroleum products.

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