Early-career public servants from various ministries will have the opportunity to develop their management, communication, and strategic analysis skills and contribute to the modernization of the public service through their participation in the Sprint Program, launched by the State Chancellery with the support of the National Democratic Institute of Moldova.
The program includes training sessions and study visits to relevant institutions in Sweden. Through these experiences, the participants, consisting of 20 employees under the age of 35 from central public administration, will analyze viable models of public services and gather information necessary for research projects.
The projects will present practices and models adapted to the realities of the Republic of Moldova, which will aid in the reform of the country’s public service. Throughout the research process, the officials will be guided by experts and experienced officials in the field.
Present at the launch event, the Secretary-General of the Government, Artur Mija, emphasized that the main goal of the program is a qualitative change in the public service and connecting young specialists with leadership figures to promote new ideas and initiatives in the context of the European modernization agenda.
“Our public administration system needs a fresh perspective, and thanks to the Sprint Program, we will form a community of individuals who will bring positive change to the public service and collaborate to develop programs that improve the lives of our citizens,” said Artur Mija, the Secretary-General of the Government.
The Sprint Program will have multiple editions, and according to the Secretary-General of the Government, it will be further expanded with the contribution of donors from various countries. To participate in the current edition, candidates are invited to complete the participation form by August 15. It can be found HERE.