
How many Ukrainian refugees does the Republic of Moldova currently host?

During the first nine months of 2022, the Migration and Asylum Office received 9,386 asylum applications. The vast majority of them were submitted by Ukrainian citizens who fled the war.

According to the Director of the Migration and Asylum Office, Mihail Vodă, since the beginning of the current year, Ukrainian citizens have submitted 8,342 asylum applications. The number is more than 90% higher than the number of requests from the same period last year, the official said during a press briefing.


From the beginning of the war in Ukraine until now, BMA together with IGSU, IGC, IGPF and IGP (state institutions) ensured the uninterrupted activity of three temporary centers near the state border. Within the centers, more than 11,245 refugees benefited from assistance.

The data provided by the Migration and Asylum Bureau show that, currently, there are about 82 thousand people from Ukraine on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

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