In the Republic of Moldova, today, on November 5, 2023, general local elections are taking place. The nearly 2,000 polling stations will be open from 7:00 AM in the morning until 9:00 PM. According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), in this election, 898 mayors and 11,058 local councilors will be elected, including 9,972 from villages (communes), and towns, and 1,086 from districts/municipalities.
Previously, the CEC announced that the General Local Elections would feature a video recording system in the polling stations.
“This system is not connected to the internet, and it is functional and active throughout the day, starting from the preparatory electoral operations such as opening the polling station (sealing the ballot boxes, checking the voter lists, ballot papers, and stamps) and until the final tallying of the voting results by the members of the polling station electoral board.
This system represents an additional measure to ensure the security and transparency of the voting process, and electoral operations on election day, including safeguarding against potential electoral fraud. Moreover, the system will not be used in the case of mobile voting.
The Commission reiterates that the installation of video cameras in polling stations will not compromise the secrecy of the vote. The images will not be transmitted online but stored on a separate device, exclusively for use in potential electoral disputes, as evidence for their examination and resolution.”
The election will be monitored by over 1,500 national and international observers. Out of the total, 1,092 national observers represent 8 civil society associations in the country. Most observers were accredited at the request of the Promo-LEX Association.
Additionally, according to the CEC, public interest information will be disseminated, and briefings with the participation of Commission members will be organized according to the following schedule: 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 7:00 PM, and 10:00 PM.
For this year’s general local elections, over 154 million lei have been allocated from the state budget.