Luxembourg supports Moldova’s EU membership. PM Frieden: You are part of the European family

Luxembourg supports Moldova’s accession to the European Union. In Chisinau, Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Luc Frieden signed a declaration affirming this support.

Prime Minister Recean expressed gratitude to the Luxembourg authorities and highlighted their role as a model for Moldova’s European integration. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration in social, economic, and environmental sectors.

“Our priority is to eliminate physical and democratic borders with our neighbors. Our partnerships in education and intercultural exchanges will open new horizons for young people to help build a prosperous Moldova. I welcome today’s signing of the joint declaration reaffirming Luxembourg’s support for Moldova’s EU accession,” said Recean.


Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Luc Frieden pointed out that peace and stability on the European continent are sustainable, and states must have similar rules and ambitions.

“It is a great honor to learn more about Moldova. The European Union provided peace, democracy, and prosperity after the Second World War. As Moldova becomes independent, we aim to take the next step together to form a European family that shares these principles. Moldova is part of this family,” Frieden remarked.

Frieden arrived in Moldova on Friday morning. After meeting with Prime Minister Recean, he and his delegation will proceed to the Presidency for discussions with the Head of State.

This visit is part of a series of receptions for official delegations in Moldova, following visits by Baltic leaders in August and by Olaf Scholz, Klaus Iohannis, Donald Tusk, and other foreign dignitaries.

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