Maia Sandu at ambassadors’ meeting: We aim to start EU accession talks as soon as possible


President of Moldova Maia Sandu and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Nicu Popescu participated today in the opening of the Annual Meeting of Ambassadors.

At the opening of the meeting, the head of state summarized the results of the past year and outlined the tasks for the next period. Among the four main tasks voiced by the president was the early start of negotiations on EU accession.

“First of all, we made a significant leap in our relations with the European Union. And this is proof of the trust of European institutions and member states in the authorities of Chisinau in the efforts that we are undertaking. We are grateful for these close relations and the trust of the European Union. The second important achievement is the organization of the European Political Community summit. This meeting of the heads of state and government in Chisinau was an opportunity to present Moldova and to show that we can participate in important events. We can provide a platform, as was the case in June, for the discussion of acute issues by the continent’s states, and I believe that this summit was a success. Another important achievement is the fight against corruption.

Together with you, we managed to get several states, including the European Union, the United States of America, Great Britain, and Switzerland, to sanction corrupt officials from Moldova. We have succeeded more in punishing the corrupt from the outside than from the inside. We have opened new horizons of cooperation for the Republic of Moldova and confirmed our position on the world map. Our active, balanced, and consistent foreign policy allowed us, despite the war near our border, to maintain peace and stability in Moldova, overcome a difficult winter, preserve the economy, support it, and continue important reforms, so that we could firmly move forward on the European course. I want to thank all of you for the considerable efforts that each of you has made in the country you represent, for these achievements,” Sandu emphasized.

The President also outlined the tasks for the next year, including the most rapid initiation of negotiations on the accession of our country to the EU, the revival of the economy, the promotion of the interests of the diaspora, and the promotion of the Republic of Moldova as a provider of security services in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration will organize a meeting of the ambassadors of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau on 16-17 August.