Maia Sandu met with the President of Poland in Warsaw

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, went on a working visit to Poland on Thursday evening. The announcement was made by the head of state on a social media platform.

“I am in Warsaw, at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda, a good friend of our country. We mark 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and Poland. The visit gives me a good opportunity to discuss with the President the joint projects initiated by our countries, the bilateral economic cooperation and the efforts of our countries to help Ukraine in the context of the war provoked by Russia”, wrote Sandu.

During the visit, Maia Sandu thanked her counterpart Duda for “consistent support from his country for the European course of the Republic of Moldova.”

“Poland remains a reliable partner of Moldova, with which we want to further develop good cooperation. Also today, we discussed the advancement of the bilateral dialogue with Elżbieta Witek, Marshal of the Seimo of the Republic of Poland, and Tomasz Grodzki, Marshal of the Polish Senate”, the head of state also wrote.


We remind you that in March, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, paid an official visit to the Republic of Moldova. Then, the Polish president announced that his country’s government will offer the Republic of Moldova 20 million euros in interest-free credit for managing the refugee crisis.

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