Maia Sandu’s project on the confiscation of corruption-related assets, voted in Parliament

The draft law launched by the president of the country, Maia Sandu, regarding the procedure which makes it possible to confiscate assets accumulated by corruption was voted in the first reading today, June 16, by the deputies.

The project proposes to amend the Criminal Code, because, the current law contains an obstacle that makes the procedure of confiscating the goods relatively difficult. This gives the corrupted people the opportunity to keep their assets or transfer them to third parties.

According to the draft approved by the Parliament, the Criminal Code will be completed with two new paragraphs. The changes will provide for the possibility of confiscating the goods that have been transferred by the convict to third parties to avoid confiscation, as well as the confiscation of the goods in the absence of the accused, in the case of death or if it does not appear in the court.

The legislative initiative was supported by 57 deputies.

The Parliament is to vote on the project in the second reading.

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