Minister Andrei Spînu explains tomorrow’s electricity deficit of 74%

The Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, explained the deficit of electricity. His comments come after Moldelectrica announced yesterday a 74% deficit for today.

“We’ll see what the price is. I always said that the breakdown energy, unfortunately, we cannot know in advance what the price is. You know that Energocom buys on the next-day market, on the Romanian electricity exchange, every day. Today, we had a phenomenon that is still not clear, we had a significant increase in the price of electricity in European markets, including in Romania. Basically, we had increases of 30-40 percent. Energocomul bid a lower price on this exchange and unfortunately could not buy the electricity for the whole day and for all the hours for which it bid, declared Spînu.


We remind you that yesterday evening Moldelectrica was notified by S.A. Energocom that for today, November 29, the entire forecast amount of electricity consumption has not been contracted. As a result, a deficit of around 74% is anticipated.

“Following the actions of H.S. Moldelectrica, the anticipated shortfall will be covered by an emergency energy supply contract. Confirmation of availability has already been received from the OST of the neighboring state”, Moldelectrica announced on its Facebook page.

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