Moldova Sets its Sights on EU Accession by 2030, President Sandu Vows

During the closing press conference of the European Political Community (EPC) Summit held on June 1st, 2023, in Bulboaca, President Maia Sandu made a promise to prepare Moldova for EU accession by 2030. While acknowledging the encouraging messages received thus far, she emphasized the need for a clear timeline.

“The European Political Community is broader than the EU. Here, we have discussed issues concerning the entire community. Yesterday and today, we spoke about our aspirations towards the EU. Our goal is to make Moldova ready for accession by the end of the decade. We will work on our efforts and convince EU member states that the Republic of Moldova can become sufficiently prepared for accession by 2023. The messages so far have been encouraging, even though no one has given us a specific date. It depends on us to work hard, to stay united as we demonstrated on May 21st (European Moldova), to debate propaganda. Today, we discussed how we can collectively combat it more effectively,” stated Maia Sandu.

It should be noted that Chisinau has expressed its intention to join the EU and hopes to initiate accession negotiations by the end of this year.


In a resolution adopted on April 19th, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) recommend that accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova should start by the end of 2023. This should happen after fulfilling the nine stages identified by the European Commission.

Meanwhile, the European Parliament calls on the Moldovan government to resolutely continue the reform agenda concerning democracy and the rule of law, make progress in fully implementing the Association Agreement with the EU and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, address organized crime and serious international and transnational crime, and continue efforts to enhance the country’s energy security.

Another point in the European Parliament’s resolution focuses on the immediate sanctioning of those involved in destabilization attempts in the Republic of Moldova.

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