Moldovan Parliament intensifies the dialogue with civil society

parliament civil society

The Moldovan Parliament’s medium and short-term agenda, as well as the identification of tools to intensify the dialogue with civil society representatives from various fields served as topics of discussion between the representatives of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum at the meeting with the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu.

“It is necessary for this collaboration to be permanent and organized. The interaction should take place at the level of commissions, working groups on various fields, aimed at solving certain problems”, emphasized Igor Grosu.


Also, the President of the Parliament referred to the support offered by civil society representatives in order to strengthen parliamentary democracy, as well as in the efforts to implement the European integration agenda of the Republic of Moldova.

The Presidents of the Permanent Parliamentary Committees presented the priorities in the fields of competence, including the reform of justice, local public administration, tax reform, ensuring the rights of people with disabilities or combating informal work. In this sense, the deputies mentioned that they count on the support and opinions expressed by civil society representatives in the process of adopting legislative initiatives.

The National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum brings together over 100 NGOs and focuses its activity on several key areas, including economy, environment, human rights or local public administration.