Moldova’s application to join the EU will be examined in June!

STRASBOURG, FRANCE - 19 Dec. 2019: Plenary room of the European Parliament in Strasbourg

The Council of Europe will consider applications for membership of the European Union from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia at its June session. The announcement was made by the Council today, May 31st, writes

“The European Council notes the preparation of the Commission’s opinions on the application for accession to the EU of Ukraine, as well as of the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, and will return to this issue at its June meeting,” the Council of Europe said in a statement.

We remind you that on May 12, Prime Minister of Moldova,  Natalia Gavrilița, sent to the EU Ambassador to Chisinau, Jānis Mažeiks, the second completed part of the questionnaire on obtaining the status of EU candidate country for the Republic of Moldova.

The questionnaire was sent to the Ambassador on the occasion of the relocation of the EU Delegation in Chisinau.

Please note that on April 22, the Republic of Moldova officially handed over to the European Union the first completed questionnaire, after submitting the application for intent to join the EU. The application for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union was signed by the President of the country, Maia Sandu, the President of the Parliament Igor Grosu and by the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița on March 3.

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The events took place after Ukraine and Georgia sent similar requests to Brussels. Subsequently, on April 11, the head of diplomacy in Chisinau, Nicu Popescu, received from the European Commission the questionnaire based on which the degree of preparation of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union is to be established.