Moldova’s grain export has grown considerably compared to previous years!


Exports of Moldovan goods and products totaled 2.3 billion dollars and increased by 1.7 times in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

The largest share in total exports was cereals – 14.6%, machines and devices – 12.3% and seeds and oleaginous fruits – 11.2%.

In January-June 2022, compared to the corresponding period in 2021, exports of cereals and cereal-based preparations increased (5.7 times), oil, petroleum products and related products, mainly re-exports (15.5 times), fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated (5.2 times), seeds and oleaginous fruits (3.3 times).


In terms of imports – 4.3 billion dollars – the Republic of Moldova mostly brings fuels and petroleum products from across the border – 14.7%, gas – 10% and electrical machines and devices – 6.1%.

The considerable gap between exports and imports of goods led to the accumulation in January-June 2022 of a deficit of the trade balance in the amount of 2 billion US dollars or 122 million US dollars (+6.3%) more compared to the one recorded in the same period, writes BANI.MD.