
Artworks – Protected! Mosaic Panels on Buildings in the Capital to be Enlisted in the Monument Registry

The mosaic panels adorning buildings in the capital will be inscribed in the Register of Public Monuments as Category B. According to the Municipality of Chișinău, the initiative aims to protect and promote these works of art to convey knowledge of the history of national visual arts.

“Mosaic represents an impressive ornamental technique of decorative art that has survived from antiquity to the present. The works reflect the historical era, the style of the time, and the social needs of the period in which they were created.

In the municipality of Chișinău, approximately 30 mosaic panels, created by renowned visual artists such as Pavel Obuh, Gavriil Vaşcenco, Mihai Burea, Aurel David, Filimon Hămuraru, etc., are installed.

To safeguard, preserve, and promote these works, the Chișinău City Hall has decided to classify them, according to the criteria approved by the reference normative framework, and register them in the local Register of Public Monuments.

Of the total number of mosaic panels, 22 with exceptional artistic and urbanistic value have been classified,” the municipality specified.

Some of the most notable mosaic panels in Chișinău include:

  1. Mosaic “Peace, Work, Art” (1980) – placed on the facade of the former Palace of Culture of the “Pielart” Combine, currently the “Mazda” Center, by author Pavel Obuh.
  2. Mosaic “Taming the Fire” (1988) placed on the facade of the “Termocom” building, created by Alexander Kuzmin.
  3. Mosaic “Labyrinth of Knowledge” (early 1980s) on the facade of School No. 37 in Chișinău (currently Nicolae Gogol Theoretical High School), created by Filimon Hămuraru.
  4. Mosaic panel (1969) on the facade of “Moldelectrica” State Enterprise at 18 Vasile Lupu Street, created by Aurel David.
  5. Mosaic panel on the facade of the Theoretical High School with an Arts profile “Nicolae Sulac” (1978), created by Filimon Hămuraru.
  6. Mosaic panels on the facades of Block 9 of the Technical University of Moldova (1981), created by Alexander Kuzmin.
  7. Mosaic placed on the facade of the Moldtelecom building (1967), created by Mihail Burea and Nicolae Coțofan.
  8. Mosaic “Plower of the Universe” (1972) at 1 Melestiu Street, created by Aurel David, among others.


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