
Muresan: Moldova has achieved in a few months what some countries have achieved in a few years

The Republic of Moldova has achieved in a few months what some countries achieve in a few years, says Romanian MEP Siegfried Muresan. The official attended the conference “European Integration of the Republic of Moldova and Prospects for business development,” organized by the European Business Association Moldova, where he spoke about the accession of our country to the EU.

The MEP encouraged the Moldovan business environment to make investments that raise the quality standards of Moldovan products. In his view, the EU is open to them, and the more funding they receive, the more exports will increase, “which will lead to the growth of the country’s economy and the creation of new well-paid jobs for people”.

“The Republic of Moldova has managed, in just a few months, to make as much progress towards European integration as other countries have managed in a few years. (…) Moldova is in the process of European integration and will soon officially start accession negotiations with the European Union”, said Muresan.


According to the MEP, it is important to involve representatives of the private sector as much as possible in the European integration process, as they know what reforms and investments are needed in the economic field to bring the country in line with EU standards.

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