Natalia Gavrilița arrived at the Davos Economic Forum

The Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilița, arrived at the Economic Forum in Davos, which is taking place these days. The official also managed to meet with the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel. During the meeting, the perspectives of promoting the Moldovan-Luxembourg dialogue and the European course of the Republic of Moldova were discussed. At the same time, Natalia Gavrilița invited the official to our country and showed the opening of the Moldovan side for organizing such a visit.

Natalia Gavrilița spoke about the progress made in the Republic of Moldova, in terms of eradicating corruption and promoting democracy. In this context, the Prime Minister mentioned that our country has consolidated its position at the top of the “Democracy Index”, being among the states of the world, which registered in 2021 the most consistent improvement in the state of democracy.

“Justice reform remains one of our priorities and I am proud to say that we have made significant progress in this direction. Also, the progress made in the process of European integration is another reason for pride for our country. We are a European nation, we have a European history, our values ​​are also European “, said the Chief Executive.

During the talks, the parties discussed the possibilities of developing trade and economic relations and deepening bilateral dialogue. Prime Minister Xavier Bettel reiterated Luxembourg’s support for Moldova’s integration into the European Union.

We remind you that Natalia Gavrilița is the first Chief Executive of the Republic of Moldova invited to the Economic Forum in Davos.

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Gavrilița’s visit is set for Tuesday and Wednesday. According to the communiqué issued by the Government, at the bilateral meetings and in the discussion panels, the Prime Minister will bring to the attention of the international leaders the challenges facing our country, following the war started in Ukraine, and will talk about the importance of strategic investments in the Republic of Moldova, in the next period.

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