Nicu Popescu talks about the promised financial assistance

Many Western partners have promised Moldova financial assistance, but the money does not reach the country immediately, said Nicu Popescu. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration made this clarification was made during a program on the public television channel Moldova 1.

“First of all, not all funds are disbursed immediately. These processes can take several weeks. Why? Because they are invested in other projects. It is absolutely unrealistic and incorrect to hear that theoretically the announced figure of an assistance, let’s say 100 million and expect for this money to be transferred the next day and turn into pensions and salaries. Things don’t work that way. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova has already received several installments of financial aid. Partly in the form of grants, partly in the form of loans. The Ministry of Finance published more figures. The International Monetary Fund transferred 55 million euros in May. The Government of Poland 20 million in July. The Government of Romania announced additional grants. From the EU again we have 125 million euros, of which 90 million euros are grants”, said the head of Moldovan diplomacy.


Nicu Popescu explained where all this money received from abroad goes.

“This money goes to the country, roads are built, the access road to a new bridge that we want to build in Romania is now being built. A new bridge is planned between Ungheni – Ungheni with Romania. The energy bills have been subsidized and in the meantime we are accumulating reserves so that we can face potentially difficult situations next year,” Popescu added.

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