Peskov accused Moldovan authorities of totalitarianism and said of Russian aid to Transnistria: “The virus of Russophobia has spread in Chisinau”

“Russophobia breeding in Chisinau”. This is how Dmitry Peskov commented on Tiraspol’s request to Moscow for protection for the breakaway area of Moldova.

The press secretary of Putin cautioned the Chisinau administration that the outcomes of confrontation and suppression could be catastrophic. Meanwhile, Moscow will help Transnistria, but for now prefers political dialogue.

“The issue of Transnistria is currently a significant topic of discussion. The situation in Transnistria is uncertain and unpredictable. The authorities in Chisinau must consider the opinions of the population. The authorities must consider the opinions of the population. The potential outcomes can be severe.

The living conditions in Transnistria are complex. Russia is open to assistance, but we prefer to solve any problems through political dialogue until the last moment. Discussions with the authorities in Chisinau will be revived.

The Russian officials accused the governments of several states, including Moldova, of moving closer to Europe and becoming enemies of Russia in the process. ” It’s a monstrous mistake. We hope that Chisinau understands the severity of the situation,” Peskov stated

Chisinau has not commented on Dmitry Peskov’s statements yet. The Reintegration Policy Office has announced that it rejects the propagandistic statements coming from Tiraspol. It reminds us that the Transnistrian region benefits from the policies of peace, security, and economic integration with the EU, which are beneficial for all citizens.

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