Tag: entrepreneurship

Invitation! Collaborations, support, and energy for social entrepreneurs, at “Fabricat în Moldova” (AGENDA)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI of the Republic of Moldova) organizes an event dedicated to social entrepreneurship within the "Fabricat în Moldova" (Made in Moldova)...

Crowdfunding, regulated in Moldova. Gavrilița: Alternative sources of financing for small entrepreneurs

The private sector in the Republic of Moldova will be able to access financing alternative to banking through crowdfunding or crowdfunding tools, after the Government has approved an appropriate project. The authorities...

How can social enterprises overcome the difficulties they encounter along the way. Recommendations from experts

Social enterprises face a number of problems including the impossibility of accessing loans from banking institutions due to the current crisis and the lack of fiscal and non-fiscal facilities. In the study...

Social entrepreneurs – heroes of society

2022 was complicated for the business environment, especially for social entrepreneurs. They had to face the consequences of the war, increased tariffs on electricity resources, as well as high competition and difficulties...

The first catering and public food service, opened in Cobâlea

In the village of Cobâlea in the Șoldăneşti district, a catering and public food service has appeared for the first time, writes Diez.md. "The European Union, together with Sweden, financed the opening...

The challenges of social entrepreneurs from Tiraspol are different from those from Chisinau. Where they can find solutions

Social entrepreneurship is developing more and more on the left side of the Dniester. In this sense, the Association of Social Entrepreneurs from Tiraspol was created, which aims to support entrepreneurs who...

ODA offers new grants for the development of businesses initiated by women

On Friday, September 30, the beneficiaries of the last Call for projects from the Women in Business Program signed non-refundable financing contracts with the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA). Thus,...

The government to implement a new program for attracting remittances

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Program for attracting remittances in the economy, "PARE 1+2". This is a program developed by the Ministry of Economy together with the Organization for the Development...


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