Tag: US

The US has equipped the Moldovan Customs Service with seven all-terrain vehicles

Through the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Prevention (NSDD) Program, the Customs Service has received a new grant.More precisely, it is about seven...

Life-saving equipment! The maternity hospital in Balti will offer the best medical services in the north of the country

At the maternity hospital in Bălți, women will give birth in comfortable and safe conditions. Colossal investments were made both in the modernization of the institution and in its endowment with life-saving...

Moldovan PM in Washington. Gavrilita to attend a meeting of government leaders

On July 14-17, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița pays a working visit to the United States. She will attend a meeting of government leaders, businessmen and scientists that will take place at Washington....

What is NATO support for Moldova?

NATO equipment is not just about weapons, says the US ambassador to Moldova. According to him, it is also about training the soldiers and it is about standards.Speaking about the neutrality of...

The US Ambassador: Moldova and Transnistria must break up peacefully

Transnistria must have a special status in the Republic of Moldova, says US Ambassador Kent D. Logsdon. The diplomat also claims that Tiraspol and Chisinau must be separated peacefully.The statements were made...

Moldova, appreciated by the US Senate for the good management of the refugee crisis

The United States Senate has adopted a resolution praising Moldova for its "heroic" response to the large influx of refugees created by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The resolution not only acknowledges the generosity...

Natalia Gavrilița had a meeting with the US State Department Adviser

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița had a meeting with United States Department of State Adviser, Derek Chollet. The two officials discussed the prospects for deepening the Moldovan-American partnership, in the context of the...


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