The Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE) members decided to allocate the financial means, from the Government’s intervention fund, in order to cover the expenses incurred for the management of the refugee crisis.
Thus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MMPS) will receive 2.4 million lei. This amount will cover the operating costs of the Temporary Placement Centers for refugees, created by public institutions subordinate to the central public authorities. Another 127 thousand lei will cover those the created by the budgetary institutions subordinated to the MMPS.
In order to grant increased compensation for work performed in conditions of increased health risk, 367.1 thousand lei will be distributed at the request of the territorial social assistance structures, directly trained in the process of managing the migration flow and refugees. At the same time, 3.2 million lei will be allocated to level II local public authorities, and 608.8 thousand lei – to level I.
Another provision approved by the The Commission for Exceptional Situations concerns humanitarian aid for Ukraine. In this regard, the granting, free of charge, as international assistance, of material goods from the management of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the amount of over 5 million lei, was approved.