
The energy crisis in our country, top news for Reuters: Moldova chooses alternatives to Russian gas

Former Soviet Moldova has selected seven companies to secure next month’s gas if supplies from Russia’s Gazprom are cut, a senior government official said. So begins an article written by the Reuters Agency, referring to the energy crisis that our country is going through, and in less than a few weeks it could deepen, if the Russians close the gas tap.

Reuters quotes the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, who states that there is a risk that the Russian Federation will permanently stop the delivery of natural gas to our country.

The Agency also cites Moldovagaz, which said on Tuesday, September 20 that it had paid for August deliveries and was to make the 50% advance payment for September, amounting to $33.89 million, although “a main source of the company told Reuters that it is not sure it has the funds to do so.”

“One of the poorest countries in Europe, Moldova, is heavily dependent on Russian gas and has been hit hard by rising spot gas prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February. Along with Ukraine and Romania, a member of the European Union, Moldova continues to try to join the EU under the pro-Western president Maia Sandu. And Ukraine wants to join. “Moldova said that Gazprom could cut off gas if one of the contractual conditions is not met – the completion of an audit of the accumulated supply debt estimated at $709 million,” the Reuters article states.

You can find the full article here.

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