The European path of the Republic of Moldova, discussed in Brussels

The Parliamentary Association Committee of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union is set to approve a declaration in support of the country’s European path. In Brussels, additional support and technical assistance for the Republic of Moldova’s reform implementation process will be proposed. Sanctions will also be proposed for Moldovan oligarchs attempting to destabilize the situation in the country.

The Vice President of Parliament and Co-Chair of CPA RM-EU, Mihail Popsoi, stated, “Given the challenges that the Republic of Moldova is currently facing, we are doing everything possible not only to maintain stability but also to continue the ambitious reform program. We know that without a functioning and independent justice system, without fighting corruption, it is very difficult to consolidate democracy and to develop economically.”


European Parliament Member Siegfried Muresan emphasized the EU’s support for the Republic of Moldova, saying, “We are aware of the constant attempts to destabilize and provoke things in the Republic of Moldova. We are meeting in Brussels these days to express our support for the Republic of Moldova on behalf of the European Union. We are monitoring the situation there, we are aware of all the progress made, and we are aware of the constant attempts to destabilize and provoke things in the Republic of Moldova. We know that security risks for the Republic of Moldova and for EU member states are common and the same. That is why we will work to strengthen security at the eastern border of the European Union, including in the Republic of Moldova.”

The CPA RM-EU represents the parliamentary forum of the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement. It includes members appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the European Parliament, who meet twice a year, alternately in Chisinau and Brussels. With this latest declaration, the European Union is showing its unwavering support for the Republic of Moldova’s efforts to pursue a European path and promote stability and reform.

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