The export of Moldovan apples has expanded! Check out the map

The data of the Moldova-Fruct association show that the map of apple exports expanded in the 2021-2022 agricultural season from 18 to almost 30 countries.

Moldovan apples now reach the countries of the European Union, Central Asia, the Persian Gulf, and North Africa, writes Europa Libera.

March is the time when, after months of storage in refrigerators, tens and tens of thousands of tons of Moldovan apples traditionally made their way to the Russian market, but the war superimposed on a series of older Russian restrictions made this direction almost impractical.


In solidarity with Moldovan producers facing the loss of the Russian market in 2022, the European Union has extended duty-free export quotas for Moldovan agricultural goods, including apples, table grapes, plums, cherries, tomatoes, garlic, and grape juice.

Exports map, made by Europa Libera

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