The grape business: Moldova is a leader in production, but a laggard in export

According to the customs service of the Republic of Moldova, in the last month of 2022, about 12,000 tons of table grapes were exported from the country. This is a large amount, given that exports of table grapes in November were almost 15,000 tonnes.

Many farmers and large traders claimed to have delivered the “last truckloads of grapes” to foreign buyers at the end of the month, writes BANI.MD.


About 20,000 tons of table grapes were exported from Moldova in September-October 2022. In total, last year more than 47,000 tons of grapes from the 2022 harvest (including the production of summer varieties) were exported.

The Republic of Moldova delivered the largest quantities of grapes to Kazakhstan, Romania and Ukraine.

Currently, grapes for export cost about 16 lei/kg, and the higher quality ones are delivered at the price of 20 lei/kg.

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