
The national budget for 2022 will undergo major changes

The economy, budget and finance committee approved the report on the draft law to amend the State Budget for 2022. This is why, the deputies were recalled from vacation before the deadline, for the Parliament to meet in plenary session.

The national budget revenues for the current year increased from 52.701 billion lei to 57.971 billion lei (+10%). This is mainly due to the increase in taxes and duties. Expenses – from 72.087 billion lei to 75.216 billions of lei (+4.3%) or over 3 billion. The state budget deficit will decrease by 2.141 billion lei or by 11% to 17.245 billion lei. The budget deficit is to be covered from both internal and external sources.


The purpose of increasing the expenses is the social protection of the population. Also, ensuring the measures provided by the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund. It will also replenish the Government’s emergency fund in relation to the management of the energy crisis and the refugee crisis.

The most significant increases are recorded in the “social protection” group (+1.758 billion lei). They are necessary for providing unique financial support to beneficiaries of all types of state pensions or social allowances and increasing allowances as aid for the cold period of the year.

According to estimates, the share of the state debt at the end of the current year will not exceed 36.1% in the Gross Domestic Product. This is less than the value previously expected.

The draft amendment to the state budget is to be presented for debate and approval in the plenary session of the Parliament.

The Permanent Bureau of the Parliament will examine the request of Igor Grosu to convene the Legislature in extraordinary session.

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