The Romanian Minister of Digitization came to Chisinau

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița, had a meeting with the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization of Romania, Sebastian Ioan Burduja. The Romanian official was on a two-day visit to Chisinau, at the invitation of his counterpart, the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitization of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Turcanu.

Prime Minister Gavrilița recalled that the current government in Chisinau has made it a priority to accelerate the process of digital transformation in all sectors, including emphasizing that Moldova is among the first countries in the world to implement government cloud and open data.

“Basically, we were forced to speed up the digitization process, including because of the high level of corruption in the offline environment. In this sense, we want a close cooperation with Romania in the field of cyber security and related to data security by taking over each other’s good practices and experience. It is true, we are going through a complicated period, but we must look to the future with confidence and develop together quality digital industries and services for the citizens on both banks of the Prut “, mentioned Natalia Gavrilita.

During the meeting, several topics were discussed, including the intensification of the strategic partnership and the joint implementation of projects in the field of digital development, but also the creation of a digital space Romania-Republic of Moldova. There was also talk of the need to pay more attention to cyber security and the digitization of strategic areas such as health, education and the economy.

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The Romanian side described the visit to Chisinau as a historic one. The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization of Bucharest, Sebastian Burduja, appreciated the advanced level that our country has reached on digital transformation. The official expressed confidence that by creating the Moldovan-Romanian Joint Commission for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of digital transformation will achieve the unification of the digital space between the two countries, which will generate efficiency, productivity and competitiveness for citizens and business.

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