
The state will partially reimburse farmers for excise duty on used diesel

Finanial resources will be allocated from the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and the Rural Environment for the partial compensation of excise duties on diesel used by agricultural producers. A bill providing for this mechanism was adopted by Parliament, in both readings, with the vote of 54 Members.

The document sets out how to provide the financial means to partially offset the excise duty on diesel used by agricultural producers to carry out the works in 2022.

“In order to provide agricultural producers with financial resources, in the context of the spring works, it is necessary to amend the law and make an amendment so that, by derogation from the law, we allow the use of resources from the National Fund for Agricultural and Rural Development for partial compensation. of diesel excise duty for agricultural producers “, said Alexandr Trubca, vice-president of the Agriculture and Food Industry Commission.

This year, the National Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development is 1.75 billion lei. Of these, 200 million lei will be distributed through the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture for the partial compensation of excise duties on diesel used by agricultural producers.

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