The tree planting campaign has started in Chisinau!

The 2022 edition of the Tree Planting Campaign was launched in Chisinau, a large-scale action that takes place in all sectors of the city.

“Today was the start of the Tree Planting Campaign in Chisinau, the 2022 edition. We specifically chose this period, because it is the most optimal to ensure that the material that will be planted will have a good success. We want to reduce gas emissions and a green and sustainable city”, said Victoria Covali, director of ÃŽ.M. “Association of management of green spaces”.

According to the person in charge, thy planned to plant about 11 thousand species of deciduous trees.

“We focused on fast-growing species such as poplar and acacia. We wanted, by identifying these surfaces, namely the hollows and clearings, to ensure the connectivity of the habitats. We want to create those green corridors that will ensure a better migration of species”.

This year young trees will be planted in all the parks and squares that have been rehabilitated recently. Planting will also be organized on the street alignments, where the trees are missing or have been cut down because they presented a danger to passers-by; on the territories of schools and kindergartens, especially in the courtyards of the 90 institutions that suffered as a result of last summer’s calamities.

Municipal officials, heads of subdivisions and municipal enterprises, representatives of ethno-cultural organizations and volunteers participate in the greening of the city, as follows:

  • Buiucani Sector, “La Izvor” Park (at the entrance) – the planting of Friendship Avenue, together with the representatives of the cohabiting ethnic groups;
  • Ciocana District, tree planting on School Alley (starting near the Courthouse);
  • Botanica sector, planting in the Park from “Sarmizegetusa” street – Butucului street;
  • Centru sector, Scuarul for people with vision problems, Pietrarilor street.

This year’s tree planting campaign will last until the end of November.

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