Through the US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Prevention (NSDD) Program, the Customs Service has received a new grant.

More precisely, it is about seven “Dacia-Duster” off-road vehicles for patrolling mobile teams and control equipment with a value of about 1.7 million US dollars. In this sense, a meeting was held between the management of the Customs Service and the representatives of the NSDD Program.

The transport units will be used by the mobile teams of the Customs Service in the control activity, directly in customs control on the administrative perimeter of the Republic of Moldova, in order to improve efficiency and increase customs control capacities.

The management of the Customs Service thanked the NSDD team for the consistent support and valuable assistance provided to customs officials during the entire period of cooperation, which included both donations of means of transport and technical equipment, as well as thematic training in the country and abroad, thus, being intensified the institutional potential of the Customs Service, in detecting and combating the illicit trafficking of CBRN substances in the region.

The representatives of the NSDD Program appreciated the openness shown by the Customs Service to strengthen bilateral cooperation in order to ensure security at the border and in the region.