Victor Chirilă: Romania is the state that will help and will stand with Moldova unconditionally

Moldova’s relationship with Romania is not conditioned by good or bad relations with Russia, but by the way, we look at the future and appreciate the values that unite us. This is what the Moldovan ambassador in Bucharest, Victor Chirilă, says. According to the diplomat, Romania is the state that will help and stand by the Republic of Moldova in any situation, unconditionally.

“We saw during the last year how important Romania is for us, but not only during the last year. During the pandemic, Romania was with us as well, even if the political context did not favor this. Then, the political dialogue was not at its best level, (however) Romania was with us, offering all the support we needed to deal with the pandemic”, declared the ambassador during the “Puncte de Reflecție” show on Vocea Basarabiei.

Chirilă considers that today in Bucharest, the file of the Republic of Moldova is known very well and is learned meticulously. Everything is known in real-time. This is the reason why the response to the needs of the Republic of Moldova during the past year, especially in the last months, when the energy crisis was quite pressing, Romania’s reaction and response were very prompt. According to him, high-level dialogue, and political dialogue favors other dimensions.

“It has always been so and during the past year, it was also the key to all the results that were achieved at the level of ministries, at the level of agencies, and even at the personal level. This high-level political dialogue created the necessary framework to move forward on multiple levels,” says the ambassador.


Referring to the Transnistrian file, Victor Chirilă said that it must be taken into account that there are almost 300 thousand citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the region and the obligations towards them are the same as those towards the citizens who are on the right bank of the Dniester. Conditions of security and well-being must be ensured, no matter which side of the Dniester the citizens are on. In his opinion, the security of the right bank also depends on the economic and political stability of the left bank of the Dniester.

“I also heard some initiatives from some officials, advisers from the Transnistrian region, that we want this problem to be solved in a peaceful, political way, through dialogue and negotiations, because through what we propose, diplomacy and political leadership of the country, and we succeeded very well during the past year is to maintain peace and security in the Republic of Moldova for all citizens, including for the refugees who either stay or cross the Republic of Moldova, including for those economic ties that have intensified between Ukraine – The Republic of Moldova, Ukraine – Romania or Ukraine and the European Union and that pass through our territory”, concluded Chirilă.

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