Viorel Ursu stepped visited the White House. What did Joe Biden say to the Moldovan ambassador?

The Ambassador of Moldova to Washington, Viorel Ursu, stepped on the threshold of the White House. Joe Biden received him for a visit, to be presented with his credentials.

The event took place on December 12, during an official ceremony. The diplomat points out that he is honored to represent the Republic of Moldova in the United States of America.


“In my address to President Joe Biden, I conveyed my deep thanks for the continuous support given to Moldova for the strengthening of democratic institutions, the rule of law, economic reforms in Moldova and the educational programs offered. In his response, President Biden noted that the United States and Moldova have built a strong partnership based on common democratic values. Moldova’s fight against corruption and efforts to build an inclusive and prosperous democracy are an inspiration for our global fight against corruption. The United States has been and will remain a reliable partner in the process of democratic reforms of Moldova”, the ambassador declares.

Ursu received assurances that the United States fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. Biden also told him that the Governments of the two countries worked side by side to reduce the impact of the war in Ukraine, and Washington will continue to work with the administration in Chisinau to ensure “peace and prosperity in the region”.

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