Win 5,000 Euros for Community Projects with EU Scholarships

The European Union (EU) Delegation in the Republic of Moldova offers scholarships for civil society in the country. These scholarships aim to support civil society activists or individuals with a civic mindset from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine who demonstrate a strong commitment to generating positive social change in their communities.

Selected candidates will receive personalized training, 5,000 euros for implementing their activities, and networking opportunities. The EU offers two types of scholarships:

  1. Community Engagement Scholarships.
  2. Civic Digital Scholarships (specially designed for IT experts, such as software engineers, data researchers, designers using technology for the community’s benefit).

This opportunity is open to all citizens from the Eastern Partnership countries who are over 18 years old and have an advanced level of English language proficiency.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 4, 2023. You can find a dedicated guide for individuals intending to participate. For further details about the offered scholarships, you can read here.


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