
You study-We pay. A new opportunity to fund the education in Moldova

Ever wondered how you might help young talents from developing countries? Impact Moldova is an NGO that offers people all over the world discover young people from Moldova and help them complete an university education.

According to their site, the goal of Impact Moldova is to “make it easy to find a cause you believe in, whether you want to give your support for supporting education or in the social area. You can make a one-off donation or a permanent monthly donation. You can also decide to donate your time and become part of our team”.

Withing this project, can choose to be a “Hero of Education”, or even a “Super-Hero of Education”. By becoming a “hero of education”, you can choose a specific person, read his story, and decide to contribute with an amount of 10, 25 or 50 euro monthly.

a “Super-Hero of Education” can contribute with a specific amount to the big prize – a scholarship for a master degree in the EU.

An important thing to note is that the average gross salary in Moldova is 379 euro with the minimum salary being 137 euro. While it might be still possible for you as a parent to fund some education of your child in Moldova, it seems practically impossible to fund the studies of your daughter/son abroad.

For more details about how you can contribute to Education in Moldova, you can visit Impact Moldova’s site.

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