Capital Market Development in Moldova: A Key Topic of Discussion in Bucharest


Victor Chirilă, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Romania, held a productive meeting yesterday with representatives from the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) to explore opportunities for advancing the Moldovan capital market in the neighboring country.

The discussions saw the participation of Radu Hanga, President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Adrian Tănase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, and Daniela Șerban, President of the Romanian Investor Relations Association.

During the meeting, all participants reaffirmed the Bucharest Stock Exchange’s commitment to collaborate with the authorities in the Republic of Moldova to align the regulations and technologies of the Chișinău Stock Exchange with EU standards. Such efforts would contribute to the gradual integration and synchronization of the financial markets of both countries.


The Bucharest Stock Exchange expressed its readiness to offer support and cooperation to facilitate the adjustment process for the Chișinău Stock Exchange, further strengthening the financial ties between Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

Additionally, the parties agreed to organize working visits to the Bucharest Stock Exchange for representatives of the relevant authorities from Chișinău. These visits aim to provide valuable insights and knowledge transfer, fostering an environment for mutual learning and collaboration.