Approved! Over 3 million lei to alleviate land degradation and increase agricultural productivity

Our country will benefit from a grant worth $ 3.105 million in the project “Competitive Agriculture in Moldova”. The ratification of the grant agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Bird) was voted today, June 9, in the first reading, during the Plenary meeting of the Parliament.

The money will be used to alleviate land degradation and increase agricultural productivity. The fourth funding within the project “Competitive agriculture in Moldova” has several components: fortifying the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of Environment, Grants for Farmers and support for the rehabilitation of forest protection strips.

The grant agreement will be implemented by the end of 2024. The project of ratification is to be voted in the second reading.

Also during the plenary session of today, the deputies voted, in the first reading, the projects of ratification of two amendments to the financing agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the International Development Association. These provide for the cancellation of the construction of the Otaci/Hungarian border inspection point. The money will be reallocated for the technical improvement of the food safety laboratories in Chisinau and the territorial offices.

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