Adrian Efros about airport searches: “We do not rule out that the money could used to finance events for May 9”


The money that was supposed to arrive in Moldova through “couriers” paid by Ilan Shor was potentially meant to finance the Victory Day event, according to Interior Minister Adrian Efros. He made the statement on the Rezoomat program on Rlive TV.

“These passengers were used as couriers. They had amounts up to 10 thousand dollars with them. The law allows it, but none of the passengers could substantiate the origin of the money. It’s been three days since they left the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and they returned with sums of 9700 and 9600 dollars. Each courier received payment for their service. Currently, efforts are ongoing to trace the entire chain. These funds may intend to finance the events of May 9, including paying salaries, transporting people to Chisinau, and demonstrating unity and the people’s desire to celebrate Victory Day,” Adrian Efros said.

The fugitive Ilan Shor announced from Moscow the creation of the political bloc “Victory” during an event organized and broadcast live on social networks on Sunday, April 21. The gathering saw the participation of members of the former unconstitutional Shor Party alongside other opposition leaders and the leadership of Gagauzia.


After the event organized by Shor in Moscow, party activists made a “spectacle” of themselves at the airport, accusing the government and police forces of pressure. Border police said they became hostile after being asked to check their luggage.

Subsequently, the head of the National Police and the chief prosecutor for combating organized crime and criminal cases announced that these individuals were targets in the party’s illegal financing case. They received between €300 and €500 to bring money into the country. Financial resources in various currencies, equivalent to more than 20 million lei, were seized during the raids.