A new tariff for electricity. How much will the Moldovans pay in 2023?

The Board of Directors of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) met on Friday, December 30, 2022, in an extraordinary meeting. During the meeting, the regulated price for electricity supplied by the central electricity supplier was also approved. Based on the information presented by S.A. “Energocom” and following the examination of the amounts of electricity forecast to be produced by the eligible power plants, which produce from renewable energy sources, as well as the electricity produced by the urban heating power plants, the regulated supply price was determined and approved of electricity in the amount of 450 bani/kWh or ≈ 4% higher than the current price.

“The main factor behind the reduction of regulated prices for the supply of electricity to final consumers is the signing of the contract between the supplier S.A. “Energocom”, which was imposed the obligation to procure the electricity necessary for the providers of the universal and last option service and the system operators and MGRES (Centrala de la Cuciurgan) and the increase of the weight of this producer in the total electricity procurement structure”, he explains ANRE in a statement.

Thus, following the analysis of the data presented by the suppliers, the following regulated prices were approved for the supply of electricity by the Ú.C.S. “Premier Energy” S.R.L., differentiated according to the demarcation points or places of consumption of the final consumers:

  • 247 bani/kWh for the electricity supplied at the entry points in the electric transmission networks, 149 bani/kWh less than the price in force;
  • 267 bani/kWh – at the exit points from the electrical transmission networks, 143 bani/kWh less than the price in force;
  • 270 bani/kWh for final consumers whose installations are connected to high-voltage distribution networks (35–110 kV), 142 bani/kWh less than the current price;
  • 289 bani/kWh – medium voltage (6–10 kV), 137 bani/kWh less than the current price;
  • 342 bani/kWh – low voltage (0.4 kV), 120 bani/kWh less than the current price.


For S.A. “Supply of Northern Electric Energy” the following differentiated regulated prices were approved, namely:

  • 250 bani/kWh for the electricity supplied at the entry points in the electrical transmission networks, 115 bani/kWh less than the price in force;
  • 270 bani/kWh – at the exit points from the electrical transmission networks, 110 bani/kWh less than the price in force;
  • 295 bani/kWh for final consumers whose installations are connected to medium voltage distribution networks (6–10 kV), 105 bani/kWh less than the current price;
  • 384 bani/kWh – low voltage (0.4 kV), 81 bani/kWh less than the current price.

Also, during the meeting, the new prices and tariffs of the components that make up the final electricity supply price were approved.

The request for approval of the tariff for the electricity transport service provided by ÃŽ.S. “Moldelectrica” in the amount of 26.43 bani/kWh was examined by ANRE and, as a result, the tariff for the provision of the transport service was determined and approved in the amount of 20.1 bani/kWh, with 6.33 bani/ kWh or ≈ 24% lower than the tariff requested by the transmission system operator.

The agency adjusted the tariffs for the electricity distribution service. The main factors that conditioned the reduction of tariffs for the provision of the distribution service by the operators of the Ú.C.S. distribution systems. “Premier Energy Distribution” S.A. and ÃŽ S.A. “RED Nord” consists of:

  • reducing the electricity procurement price to cover technological consumption and electricity losses in the electrical distribution network;
  • modification of the consumer price index;
  • exclusion of tariff deviations included in the calculation of the regulated tariffs in force.

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