
Central Electoral Commission: Today begins the electoral period for the new local elections and by-elections on 19 May

The Central Electoral Commission has announced that the electoral period for the new local by-elections on 19 May 2024 begins today.

According to the Central Electoral Commission, the main actions during the election period include setting up and organizing the work of lower electoral bodies, registering initiative groups and candidates for mayor and local councilor, setting up and organizing polling stations, updating and publishing electoral lists, informing voters and training election officials, monitoring elections and reflecting them in the media, organizing voting and tabulating election results. The election period will end with the confirmation of the election results and the validation of the mayoral and local councilor seats.

On 19 May 2024 new local elections will be held for a new composition of local councils in the localities of Cairaclia, Taraclia district, Chioselia Russian and Cotovscoe in ATU Gagauzia, as well as for the election of the mayor in Tirnova commune, Dondușeni district, Bucovăț town, Straseni district, Sagaidac village, Cimislia district and Hanasenii Noi commune, Leova district.

By-elections will be held in Cealic commune, Taraclia district, for a new composition of the local council, as well as for the election of the mayor in Chioselia Russian and Cotovscoe localities in ATU Gagauzia.


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