Deputy Prime Minister Serebrian Meets UN Mission on Moldova’s Challenges

Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian, had a meeting today with representatives of the United Nations Joint Programme’s Reflection and Learning Mission to Moldova (RLM) based in New York, including Ilona Lecerf, Aycan Akdeniz, and David Newton, who are on a study visit to the Republic of Moldova, writes the Reintegration Policy Office.

The mission is focused on evaluating the UN’s response to the challenges faced by the Republic of Moldova during the period of 2017-2023, including political instability, the impact of COVID-19, and the conflict in Ukraine.

The participants exchanged views on assistance projects implemented in the Republic of Moldova, particularly in the field of human rights protection, which unfortunately remains a highly sensitive issue in the Transnistrian region of the country.


Additionally, the UN representatives were informed about the sectors requiring support from external partners in this challenging regional context, as well as the full willingness of Chișinău to continue engaging in concrete outcomes for the residents on both sides of the Nistru River.

At the end of the discussions, it was agreed and reaffirmed that there is a need for coordination of actions and approaches on various aspects of common interest, as well as the strengthening of various forms of interaction in promoting policies for ensuring peace and stability at both the internal and regional levels.

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