Did Moldova receive its EU accession candidate status just because of the war in Ukraine?

Maia Sandu admits that one of the reasons why our country received EU candidate status is the war in Ukraine. However, according to the head of state, Moldova worked to obtain it.

In the “Moldova Poate” show, the president pointed out that the military actions in Ukraine led the Europeans to review their policies regarding the enlargement. At the same time, according to her, our citizens demonstrated, against the background of the tragedy in the neighboring country, that they “share European values”.

“The European Union, the member states, have reviewed their policy in relation to enlargement, including because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. But it is equally true that we have worked to achieve the status of a candidate country. Moldovans have demonstrated generosity by receiving refugees; through this, they have demonstrated that they are European and share European values. The leadership of the Republic of Moldova did everything it had to do, to get the vote of each member state”, says Maia Sandu.

For his part, the spokesperson of diplomacy from Chisinau, Daniel Vodă, pointed out that there is no shortcut for our country’s accession to the European Union. During the edition, the over-10-year-old printer was also shown, which ran off the historical request, through which Moldova applied for EU membership.


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